An SD20 taking a sick day
4011 at Gibson Shops
8817 with transfer caboose 1 in 1984 (from Spence's collection, photo by Jack Sarafin)
SW7 8848 in all-black paint with zebra-striped sill. Photo taken in 1965; Spence obtained
this shot from Bill Larsen's collection. Thanks Bill
Leased SW1200 2272
The old and the new--an NW2 in old paint, a rebuilt SW1500 in the new
SD20 2923 poses proudly
8817 again, this time in more recent paint; it was retired in 2005 after 56 years of service
Another casualty of 2005: NW2 8830
IHB 4018 in its original paint and numbering. Note the IHB lettering under the cab window
NW2s 8783 and 8829 are assisted by BU54 (ex-8825). With three NW2s, you know this is a lo-o-o-ng train