Chicago Transit Authority
Other Transfers
The CTA replaced the map transfers with transfers with just route numbers.
![Routes Transfer](opics/routes1.jpg )
![Routes Transfer](opics/routes2.jpg )
![Routes Transfer](opics/routes3.jpg )
![Routes Transfer](opics/routes4.jpg )
Machine Issued Transfers
Upon request (you pushed a button), a small red machine issued transfers.
![Machine Issued transfer](opics/machine1.jpg )
![Machine Issued transfer](opics/machine2.jpg )
![Machine Issued transfer](opics/machine3.jpg )
![Machine Issued transfer](opics/machWNW.jpg )
![Machine Issued transfer](opics/machlooparea.jpg )
The ID check transfer use for transfering between the El and Subway.
![ID check](opics/idchk.jpg)
Transfer bwtween North-South "L" and Loop "L"
![NS to L](opics/NStoL.jpg)
The Super Transfer was issued after paying a special fare. The transfer was good all day.
![Super Transfer](opics/super.jpg )
The suburban bus system, Pace, issued this type of transfer.
![Pace](opics/pace.jpg )
| CTA Main
| CTA Pictures
| CTA Transfer Main